Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Drought Is Over

There has been an estate sale and moisture drought here in the midwest. *gasp* Clearly this has ended! This is what it looked like outside the front door this last weekend....

And here is what I picked up at my first estate sale of the year!

This was the estate of a retired pharmacist. They clearly had good taste as when I arrived I was surrounded by Baccarat crystal, Lladro, and beautiful Regency-style decor. Although I appreciate all of the fancy-schmancy stuff, I really wanted to get into the kitchen and the basement. From my experience, the cool stuff is always located there!

The kitchen didn't disappoint. I scored these two vintage Pyrex casseroles WITH original lids. These beauties are mint green with a gold scroll design. Thankfully, the hubby was with me (I bribed him with a sushi dinner, that he paid for) because the first thing I picked up were the heavy casserole dishes and they are slippery suckers. So he tucked the big one under his arm like a football and promised not to drop it. I carried the smaller of the two. There was no way I was setting these up front while we shopped. I did that one other time and my finds were picked off.

Then it was on to the basement. There were a bunch of apothecary items. Apothecary is huge right now in the current and vintage markets. You can buy the 'look' at any Restoration Hardware, but I like the stuff with the story behind it. I passed on the cool bottles with stoppers and pestle/mortar combos. The apothecary was priced fairly but still to high for me.

Love the color of the medical mug and the fire red logo on the World's Fair mug. I would like to keep the blue one, but I have enough mugs to last me a lifetime. These will go in the Etsy shop.

I also found two NOS (new old stock) shelf liner rolls in cool retro pattens. They will be listed in the ebay store.

Not bad with the first sale of the year!  

What was your favorite thrifted find of this past weekend?


  1. Replies
    1. Love the World's Fair mug. My kindergarten class went there on a field trip :-)

  2. Way to go Rachael, it looks so cold where you are! My trick with picking up Pyrex at an estate sale is to bring my own reusable shopping bag, preferably one with a flattened bottom! They are really helpful!

    1. good idea chels. i will start keeping a reusable bag in my trunk. that way i will never forget or will have one for any impromptu sales!

  3. Beautiful Pyrex! Looking at your snow is making me say Brrrrrrrrrr! We got a few flakes tonight, but they're already melted.

    1. add on another few inches to that too dana! i woke up this am to a fresh layer of snow.

  4. Don't get me started on the estate sale drought. I check the estate sale sites every day but literally haven't been to a single one in months! It's like all the mid-mod up and disappeared.

    1. during these midwest winter months the sales are few and far between. i guess we have goodwill, but it is hard to come across really good mid mod furniture at the gw...unless you are mr modatomic!

  5. oh what lovely Pyrex you found!

    The Joyful Thrifter

  6. Good finds. There hasn't been any sales (thrift/gs/estate) in my area since November 2011. Hopefully soon. Love finding pyrex.

  7. Haven't seen those Pyrex in awhile!

    Good find with the lids.

  8. Nice Pyrex! They look great, and lids are always an awesome bonus! There have not been nearly enough estate sales in my area either... what is that about?

  9. Love the pyrex! I hear you on the drought! I'm down by Wichita, KS. Can't wait for auction season to get into full swing!

  10. What a fun pyrex find! I've never seen that pattern before. :)
